Short Cut to Mind Silence – Guided Process


Short Cut to Mind Silence – Guided Process (2 in Total)

This product contains 2 studio recordings of James firstly giving you an explanation of why and how to get Mind Silence and the 2nd audio file allows you to be guided into and through the process

1. Guided Explanation Short Cut to Mind Silence (9:37 mins)
James explains the why and how to use his 6 step process for you to achieve freedom from thought, also referred to as Mind-silence
2.  Shortcut to Mind Silence ((6:48  mins)
James guides you into and through the Mind Silence process.
Do not listen to these recordings unless you are in a safe place, able to relax and your attention is not needed elsewhere.
Do not listen to these if you are driving.


SKU: am-pm-meditations-1 Category: